The Benefits of Tea Rinses

Tea rinses are a great addition to any hair regime, throughout my hair journey I have been trying to find a staple way to combat shedding, However before I was clued up on the benefits of tea rinses I was using a home made garlic treatment and although it worked VERY well the smell was kind of unbearable. So I went on the search for an alternative.

Since discovering tea rinses I have attempted to include them in most of my wash days, however recently I haven't been very committed but I will be from now on.  

So what are some of the benefits of using a tea rinse on your hair.

  • Strengthens and Conditions.
  • Soothes Dandruff.
  • Stimulates Hair Growth.
  • Prevents Shedding.

How do I apply it.

Some people choose to pour it directly onto their scalp but I find spraying it directly on to my hair and scalp with a spray bottle allows a less messy application.

When do I apply it.

I only do tea rinses on my wash days, after I have cleansed my hair and scalp I will apply the tea rinse for about 5-10 mins and rinse it out before deep conditioning. Sometimes if I'm feeling really lazy I will leave it in and apply my deep conditioner on top.

Extra bits: I prefer to use Green tea to black tea because I find that my hair feels a lot less stiff once I have rinsed it out.


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