Wash Day.

Pre Poo: began by finger detangling and applying herbal Essence bee strong to the length of my hair.

Shampoo: cleansed my scalp with Oganix tea tree and mint shampoo.

Deep Condition: applied Organix coconut conditioner and put a plastic cap in my hair for about 1 hour.

Air Dry: I wrapped a t-shirt around my hair for a few hours.

Finished up and styling: Whilst my hair was still a bit wet I sprayed crème of natures straight from Eden leave in and detangled and continued to air dry my hair in a bun. 

How was your most recent wash day x


  1. I love using Herbal Essence Honey I'm Strong to co-wash! I never thought to use it as a pre-poo!

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. This was my first time using it, I'm hoping it will impress me.

  2. I want to reach out and touch your bun!

  3. Your bun is super thick and cute girll !!!


  4. I love your hair! So thick. OMG i've heard so m much about that creme of nature's straight from eden, i hope i dont go crazy and buy that entire range too!!

    1. Thank you, same her thats the reason why i decided to try it. So far I'm loving it.

  5. That bun! I've fallen hard for sock buns (since my hair is big enough for a medium one xD) and yours it's just gorgeous!


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