Hair Thoughts.

Looking at old pictures of my hair has got me asking if the hair on my head really healthy. When I started this blog I had a hair goal in mind and that was to reach bra strap length, this goal made me focus more on hair length and less on the health of my hair.

I used to relax my hair twice a year (every six months) during the relaxer stretch period I would get a sew in. I would keep my sew in for about 6-8 weeks maintaining my weaves by wash and condition them every 2 weeks. I did however maintain my leave out by also washing and conditioning it every 2 weeks. Now I relax it every 3-4 months and wash it weekly or every 2 weeks, now on paper it sounds like a good routine however washing my hair as often as I do means I'm manipulating my hair a lot. 

I know some people will turn their nose up at the thought of me washing my hair once a month however I honestly feel like my hair was able to flourish when I left it alone. 

                                                 (2011) after removing my sew in and braids

(2011) after relaxing and strengthening my hair.

                                                              (2011) my hair in a bun

As you can see from the pictures above my hair was at its most healthiest in 2011. It wasn't the longest however it did look and feel healthy and I really want that back. It may have been because my wash day routine was also very simple would shampoo my hair and then deep condition. Then I would blow dry my hair and get another sew in. I'm not sure how I will be achieving this however I will say that there will be a lot less wash day post *sad face* and more posts dedicated to relaxer stretching.


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