One thing I have noticed since stating my hair journey is that my hair never seems to be able to stay moisturised throughout the day, no matter what leave in I try I still ended up with the same results. I recently purchased a new moisturiser by African pride and I really like it however with it getting a lot colder I still felt like my hair needed something else. I decided to try adding Aloe Vera juice to my moisturiser to see if this will help AND it did.
By adding Aloe Vera juice my hair is able to stay moisturised during the day, it also makes detangling my new growth a less painful experience.
Things Used.
Your Moisturiser of choice
Aloe Vera Juice
A few drops of your favourite oil
A Spray bottle
How to make it.
(1) I start off by adding the Aloe Vera juice (start of with a small amount)
(2) Add your moisturiser to the Aloe Vera juice and shake it up so it becomes creamy (You don't want the mix to be too watery)
(3) Add your oil.
If at any time you feel like the consistency is too watery add some more of your moisturiser until it becomes more of a creamy consistency.
After mixing the my African pride Shea butter with the aloe Vera juice